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Advanced Obedience

Elevate Your Dog's Training with Our Advanced Obedience Course

Is your dog ready for more than just the basics? Our Advanced Obedience Course is designed to take your dog’s training to the next level with sophisticated commands and greater discipline. Perfect for dogs that have mastered basic obedience, this course will refine their skills and enhance their behavior.

Why Choose Our Advanced Obedience Course?

Moving beyond basic commands, our Advanced Obedience Course focuses on complex behaviors and increased discipline. Here’s why our program is the best choice for furthering your dog’s training:

  1. Advanced Training Techniques: Our course includes Ten Sophisticated International Standard Canine Commands, recognized globally for advanced canine training.

  2. Experienced Trainers: Our professional trainers are experts in advanced obedience, utilizing positive reinforcement and customized training plans tailored to your dog's needs.

  3. Integrated Hand Signals: Just like our basic course, each command is paired with a hand signal, ensuring your dog can respond effectively in various situations.

  4. Improved Discipline: Advanced training instills a higher level of discipline, making your dog more reliable and well-behaved in challenging environments.

  5. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Training focuses on complex commands that require your dog to think and respond accurately, improving their problem-solving skills.

  6. Building on Basics: This course builds on the foundation set by basic obedience, ensuring a seamless transition to more advanced commands.

What Will Your Dog Learn?

Our Advanced Obedience Course includes the following Ten Sophisticated International Standard Canine Commands:

  1. Place: Teaches your dog to go to a designated spot and stay there until released.
  2. Stand: Commands your dog to stand up from a sit or down position and remain still.
  3. Heel with Turns: Refines the heel command to include precise turns and changes in direction.
  4. Come to Heel: Trains your dog to come directly to the heel position from a distance.
  5. Advanced Stay: Increases the duration and distance of the stay command, even with distractions.
  6. Recall with Distractions: Ensures your dog returns to you immediately, even with tempting distractions.
  7. Targeting: Teaches your dog to touch a specific object with their nose or paw on command.
  8. Distance Commands: Commands your dog to perform actions such as sit, down, or stand from a distance.
  9. Send Away: Directs your dog to go to a specific location or person.
  10. Emergency Stop: Trains your dog to immediately stop and stay in place, regardless of their current activity.

Each of these commands is paired with a hand signal, reinforcing your dog’s ability to respond accurately in various scenarios.

The Benefits of Advanced Training

Advanced obedience training offers numerous benefits, making your dog a well-rounded and confident companion:

  • Greater Control: Enhanced commands give you better control over your dog in diverse situations.
  • Increased Safety: Advanced commands like the emergency stop can prevent your dog from dangerous behaviors.
  • Mental Stimulation: Complex commands challenge your dog's mind, keeping them engaged and mentally sharp.
  • Stronger Bond: Continued training strengthens the bond between you and your dog, based on trust and mutual understanding.
  • Impressive Skills: Your dog will impress friends and family with their advanced obedience and exceptional behavior.

Enroll Today and Achieve Excellence

Don’t let your dog’s training plateau. Take their skills to new heights with our Advanced Obedience Course. This program is perfect for dogs who have mastered the basics and are ready for a new challenge.

Contact us today to enroll and discover the remarkable transformation advanced obedience training can bring. Unlock your dog's full potential with our expert guidance and innovative techniques!